Spray painting has never been so easy. The softness of its valve makes 94 an extremely easy to use spray. The rapid drying process prevents dripping and allows for almost immediate repainting. But one of the most important aspects of the 94 range is its wide range of high-opacity colors, a wide range that will allow you to find the optimal tone that fits
your needs.
Transparency and brightness. In the 94 range we also find the MTN 94 Espectro -special transparent paint- as well as the MTN
94 Fluorescent.
Aim and shoot. Shake the spray vigorously until you hear the mixer noise. Spray on the desired, pre-cleaned surface. Invert the spray and spray until the paint stops coming out, so you will avoid clogging the diffuser and you can use it again. The MTN 94 allows you to make strokes with a variable width ranging from 1 cm (Skinny PRO) to 12.5 cm (with the Hardcore Fat cap). Practice will help you increase this difference.
The spirit of 1994. The 94 was created in 2008 offering a superior quality spray paint at a competitive price. It is presented as the matte alternative to the classic MTN Hardcore, offering a more precise operation and a wide range of pastel colors
Its name refers to the year of birth of Montana Colors, 1994, vindicating the pioneering nature of the brand and the paradigm shift that this product represents in the universe of spray painting.
Combine, try and win. The fast drying to the touch of the MTN 94 makes it a paint compatible with all MTN products. It dries in several minutes and after 24-48 hours -depending on the layers applied and the weather conditions- the hardening of the film is total, thus increasing its